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With over 75 stellar reviews on Houzz, clients and agents are happy to share the outstanding results we've achieved for them. A majority of the homes we stage sell fast and well above the asking price.


We continually inspire potential buyers by creating environments that evoke the comfort of home, make smart use of space and help each room feel elevated and sophisticated, while creating a sense of warmth and story that renders your home irresistible, ultimately getting offers on the table.


Home staging should always compliment the space. If the staging is "off", the photos and in-person energy will feel inauthentic. We don't apply the same style for every project - each staging is custom designed to enhance that home's specific architecture, finishes, personality and features. We also consider the buyer demographics and neighborhood to ensure the design is as relatable as possible, to as many buyers as possible.





Linda Graveline grew up near Chicago and spent a fair amount of time submersed in her mother's Interior Design and Architectural Digest magazines. She was also fascinated by fashion, so in the 90’s she went to NYC, managing Public Relations for GaultierMoschino, Ferretti and Ozbek and later did Production Design / Props for directors Griffin DunneGiovanni Morricone and others. In 2001, she moved to Los Angeles, landed at The Brewery and began producing large scale art installations in her spare time while working at USC.


She learned Reiki and became one of the top Reiki Masters in

the city but was still interested in interiors and worked part time

for the home-flipping trend-setter Bettershelter. As Design

Director of an innovative green business conference she worked

with Gensler, Knoll and other design leaders to create "green

design lounges" and sourced local artists to build art installations.


She founded Eleven Interiors in 2014. Her first staging was

published in Curbed and the sale price broke a local record. 





1. We believe in win-wins and want clients and realtors to walk away feeling like the job we did was an 11 on a scale of 1-10. 


2. In numerology, 11 represents balance, collaboration, re-establishment and being visionary. 11 doubles the attributes of the number 1, which is about new beginnings.


3. Ever see the scene from the movie "This is Spinal Tap" where the band altered the dials on their equipment and explained to Rob Reiner that “These go to 11”? We admire their enthusiasm so..... we too go to 11. 

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  • home staging los angeles
  • home staging los angeles
  • home staging los angeles
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